Turning Yourself In To The Police Following A Connecticut Warrant Issuance

Benefits of Turning Yourself in to the Police for a Warrant

When you find yourself on the wrong side of the law, the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions can feel overwhelming. It’s like standing at a crossroads with the option to run and hide or face the situation head-on by turning yourself in. The idea of confessing to the police might seem like the right thing to do, but let’s pause there.

The best first move? Speak with an attorney.

They’re not there to pass judgement but to help guide you through the best path forward. Before making any hasty decisions, it’s important to understand the potential implications and benefits of turning yourself in, whether for a crime or a warrant. One often overlooked aspect is the possibility of posting bail. Through this article, we’ll share everything you need to know about the process of turning yourself in, providing you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision if you ever find yourself at this crucial juncture.

Besides talking to your lawyer, consider hiring or contacting a bondsman in Connecticut before surrendering to the Police.

Should I Run Like Hell Or Turn In For Arrest?

hould I Run Like Hell Or Turn In For Arrest?

Whether to run or turn yourself in when faced with the prospect of an arrest can feel like an impossible decision. The fear and uncertainty can push you towards wanting to flee. However, it’s important to understand that running rarely solves the problem, and it often complicates the situation further. Evading arrest can lead to additional charges, making your legal situation even more challenging.

On the other hand, turning yourself in can demonstrate to the court that you are taking responsibility for your actions. It shows that you are not a flight risk and are willing to face the legal consequences of your actions. But before you make this decision, it’s critical to consult with a legal professional, such as an attorney. They can provide you with advice tailored to your specific situation and help you navigate the legal process.

Remember, every situation is unique and the right decision depends on a variety of factors, including the severity of the charges, your previous criminal history, and your current circumstances. So, while the instinct might be to “run like hell,” it’s often more advantageous to face the situation with the help of legal counsel.

No Laws Oblige You To Turn Yourself When You Commit A Crime


No Laws Oblige You To Turn Yourself When You Commit A Crime

If you’ve committed a crime and the authority has been notified, an arrest warrant will be issued. The Police will embark on finding and detaining you as soon as they can. Don’t panic and surrender yourself to the nearest police station. Instead, use the little time you have to make helpful calls. Get in touch with an attorney and share your story with them. They’re going to use their expertise to work things out for you.

The code of confidentiality prohibits criminal defense lawyers from testifying against you. If you aren’t ready to surrender to the Police after speaking to your attorney, they can’t go to the Police to testify unless you permit them. Talking to an attorney will give you insights into two things about your case; the severity of the crime and how to cope with it.

After getting insights into your case and its severity, you may think of other options. For instance, you may feel that escaping to Mexico will be a good idea here. But it may not be; it rarely is. Depending on your case’s intensity, the Police can seek international criminal justice to bring you back home. It may complicate your case.

What Are The Benefits Of Turning Surrendering To The Police?


What Are The Benefits Of Turning Surrendering To The Police?

Although many individuals don’t know, there’re many benefits for those who turn themselves in. They include the following:


      • No physical police harassment was witnessed during arrests.

      • It enhances your chances of securing a lower or free bail. You’re more likely to get a Release on Recognizance and avoid detainment while waiting for court hearings.

      • It can also serve as a show of good behavior and readiness for rehabilitation depending on the crime. It can be a pathway to a reduced jail term or suspended sentence.

      • If you’ve been involved in a hit-and-run accident and you turn yourself into the Police to record a statement, it will increase your indemnity. Most insurance companies decline to pay legal dues of the person you hit, or their loved ones have threatened to court. Accepting the accident’s responsibility by turning yourself into the Police strengthens your good faith with the insurance company.

    It’s worth noting that an arrest warrant has no time limit. There’s no way someone can hide, hoping the statute limitations will expire because they won’t. It’s necessary to turn yourself into the Police and get over it. Consult a criminal defense lawyer when contemplating your legal future.

    What Options Do You Use To Turn Yourself In?


    As you plan to surrender yourself to the Police, these methods will be helpful.

      What Options Do You Use To Turn Yourself In?

        • First, it would help if you consulted a criminal attorney. Remember, your defense attorney will depend on the information that you give them when building a defense for your case.

        • Talk to a bail bond agent to post bail to secure your release once the bail has been determined. It will help if you attend court sessions without being detained. Attending your hearings as a free person allows you to continue with your daily life with minor disruptions.

        • Inquire if your selected bondsman warrants you a walkthrough to get out of police custody quickly. It’s essential to be armed with bond paperwork and prepaid bond to fasten your release.

      It can be challenging to find yourself in a situation where you’re contemplating whether to run away from the police or face arrest. Nobody enjoys being a state guest. Besides disrupting your life, it may stain your reputation. You can choose to dodge arrest and spend your life living in hideouts or incognito. With time, the Police may catch up with you when you least expect them. It’s advisable to talk to a seasoned attorney to prepare to defend you in court. Also, talk to a reliable bond dealer to bail you out and surrender yourself to the Police. It will not only be less dramatic but also makes the process easier.

      Contact Connecticut Bail Bonds Group

      If you embark on a search for a bail bond near me, Connecticut Bail Bonds Group has your needs covered. The company offers a wide array of bonds, including assault, domestic violence, burglary, DUI bonds, and bail for murder. We have bailed several clients and simplified their court hearings. At Connecticut Bail Bonds Group, we are committed to helping our clients attend court trials while continuing their daily lives.

      Give us a call or come to our offices at 11 Asylum St, Suite 512 Hartford CT 06103. We’re waiting to listen to you and find a way to help you or a loved one. Check our site URL: https://www.connecticut-bailbonds.com/

      Connecticut Bail Bonds Group
      11 Asylum St, Suite 512
      Hartford CT 06103
      (860) 420-2245

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